Elijah on the top deck of the Pinta.
Ethne at the "helm" of the Nina.
Well, we've had about three weeks of schooling, and we've already had 3 major field trips. We haven't really planned it that way, but opportunities have just presented themselves--so we've taken advantage of them. Being a homeschooler, it is amazing how differently I look at things now. EVERYTHING is an opportunity to teach my children. I knew that before, but now I REALLY KNOW IT! I no longer tend to view mowing the lawn as just a chore, or even a way to prepare my kids for independence in their future adult lives--we talk about how grass needs water. If you mow it too much--you'll kill it, how grass grows only in warm weather, how there's different types of grass, all grasses make flowers, etc. Everything becomes a lesson. My kids are naturally curious anyhow, and they are constantly asking me questions.
This past weekend we were privileged to be able to see replicas of the Nina and the Pinta. For Elijah, this was a dream come true. He is currently obsessed ships (outerspace and jets as well). When he draws, he draws ships. He's been building ships out of legos, rubber bands, sticks, basically anything that he can get his hands on. So, Friday was AWESOME! We took all the kids to view the ships (which were docked at Green Turtle Bay in Grand Rivers, KY). All the kids enjoyed it, but it took awhile to pry Elijah away from these beautiful vessels.