The past two weeks have really been testing my patience, and I am afraid that I have fallen short in my display of "slow-temperedness." Part of it has just been the trial and error that is homeschooling. However, a big part of it has been my youngest's demand for independence! She has been getting into EVERYTHING. Nothing is safe with this little whirlwind on the loose. I find her curiosity endearing, but her destructive powers have earned her the name "Destructo Baby." She has been unwittingly driving me crazy by undoing everything that I clean up. She empties cabinets, drawers--basically anything within her reach.
However, despite this new unending vortex of demolishment, I've found some exciting and wonderful happy moments. Evelyn told me for the first time (on Wednesday) that she loves me. Ever since she figured out how to say it, she's been saying it frequently. It's wonderful!!! Evelyn has also figured out how to say "apple," "bible," "no way," "I did it," and several other cute little things. However, nothing beats "I love you" coming from that sweet little slobbery mouth.
So, no matter how much trouble and work my little baby with a gift for chaos might cause, I am still in love with her. She is helping me to see the method to her madness. She just wants to learn, and as a fellow curious person--I admire that. So, I am striving to be more patient and not get as frustrated with Evelyn's little explorations. I'm looking forward to her next little discovery. I included some of Evelyn's "firsts" from this week below.
Evelyn really wanted to try Ethne's pink tricycle (which is way too big for her). We got out Ethne's old Dora trike for her to try. She loves it. She can't pedal yet, but she sits on it and scoots. VERY CUTE! Oh, and she is so proud of herself too!
Last night I was trying to get the floors clean throughout the house. Evelyn decided she would help. For the most part, she did an excellent job for a 16 month old. I know--I start them young.
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